Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can I Use My Biolife Card In An Atm

"Anyone who reads this blog yet?"

So, the question I've been asked öffters: "Are there people who still read this blog?".

YES! There are people doing it! To explain: I do have a Statcounter installed on the blog. This thing is great. It shows me how many people have viewed the blog, where they get the link to the blog, how long they look at the blog, where they come from (yes, even the IP address is displayed). etc. ..

The data are for me alone so interesting. So I will be here shortly, and some transparent list:

visitors since February 2006: 13 008


Visitors November 2008: 581 (!!!)


The following chart shows the countries from which the Last 100 clicks come from:

1st place goes to the so SWITZERLAND (20 clicks), of course, as most visitors know me personally and want to know what I'm writing again for stuff. (Cloedel and Sailer is small thanks) goes

2nd place in the U.S. (16 clicks) ... hmmmmm ... Thanks to this counter, I know that most Americans find on www.google.com on my blog. You are looking for Cynthia Jane Breakspear. ask for equal Wiki, so on my 2nd blog will appear. Great? :-)

3rd place goes to GERMANY. Look at pictures on google and invite them down. The pictures of Jamaica are the most popular, short for "pyramids in Bosnia." So, if one at www.google.com " pyramids in Bosnia " or " Heile Selassie " enters and then clicking on pictures, equal to 2 times appears my blog. TOLL! :-)

4th Place goes to UNKNOWN. Also here are pictures on Google of the crucial link.

Last place goes to Mexico. Again, the user has searched from Sonora, Hermosillo to Cynthia Jane Breakspear.

most used Internet browser of visitors to dasmargeau:
Firefox 3.0.4 = 33%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 = 22%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 = 21%
Safari 1.2 (Mac) = 11%
Firefox 2.0.0 = 7%
Opera 9.62 = 2%
Opera 9.51 = 2%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 for 1%
Google Chrome 0.2 = 1%

probably seems the most popular Firefox browser to ...
Most visitors (38%) of my blog to work with a screen resolution of 1280x1024. Only 3% have a resolution of 800x600.


Unfortunately, there is the Most of the visitors less than 5 seconds on the blog ... There are, well, to write, almost embarrassing to see the 85% short of the blog and get out immediately. :-(
10% but remain between 30 seconds and 5 minutes on the blog. That's something!