The idea and theory of democracy means government decisions on cases is not bad. The rule on a state (territory, rights, laws, people, etc.) the to assign the affected individuals and local sounds almost utopian. But this is exactly the case in a democratic state.
A fatal error of democracy is the polyvalent definition of the people. It is necessary to meet conditions to be a member of a people, then the chooser as 18 years old and physically and psychologically vital. In addition, the chooser must have caused the local citizenship. These conditions already includes one of a few% of the people. Thus for instance, in Switzerland 20% of the people there by direct democratic decisions, because citizenship excluded. The minors are not the 20%. A Another fatal flaw of democracy is the freedom to choose or choose not. A case of fatal error in the Swiss canton of Aargau is visible. Just 31.7% went to the polls. In this case, a minority of representatives of the people ruling over a majority. This democratic decision is binding, this binding is a further error of democracy. Democracy in practice can not be mentioned because of these errors referred to as intact. It is and will remain so in theory. Consequently, all states would have to call themselves democratic, to be called again. For the description, I offer two suggestions:
first Plain and simple: "Theoretically democratic"
second This proposal is somewhat more complex. Political scientists, philosophers, lawyers and professors of economics, as well as psychologists and sociologists develop a checklist. This list consists of conditions that each country must meet to be allowed to call itself democratic. Of course, this checklist is based on the basic ideas and principles of democracy. It is also important that these experts do not work out of self interest (ie profit) to the list. An independent commission established using this checklist as a country is democratic and indicates a ranking in%. For example, it would then called "democratically to 65.4%," or "to 30.5% democratic" ... arose
It is so that democracy, living out of a healthy desire in a just society. Not the individual, but the collective striving for a just society. Of course there are alternatives to democracy, but they have to distinguish because of the free market economy, globalization and the blind trust in the capital is no chance. Finally, we have no choice but to accept democracy as it is. She is currently the "best" form of security in the pursuit of justice offers. I bin zuversichtlich und optimistisch, dass der Mensch diese selbst geschaffenen Fesseln eines Tages abgeben wird. Kommt Zeit, kommt Mut!