Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tingling In Hands And Feet After Viral Infection

arsenal of the North Korean People's Army

The Margeau has done something of which the CIA dreams for a long time.

I met with my informants from North Korea in a Berlin park. There I gave Barack Obama * an envelope, which was thicker than usual. When I opened it in my hotel, the envelope It staggered me the language. Actually, I expected information about the North Korean national soccer team , but the photos and texts spoke their own language. During the translation into German of North Korea, I realized what information I had received. I tried again looking for Barack to tell him that he had a fault was found. However, but I stuck to it, for the first time without success. Since then, Barack has found.
However, in the envelope were photos of the entire arsenal of the North Korean army, and detail, and the number of weapons, etc. .. Since I no secret, except the North Korean, gave to the world of hearing, voröffentliche I have the information now on my blog:

* Name changed.

active soldiers 1,200,000 (of which 180,000 belong to special forces)
reservists: 4,700,000 (The reservists are 23 divisions and 6 brigades down)
Cost: about 5 billion U.S. $

man 950,000 soldiers organized into 40 divisions and 40 brigades
Speziealeinheiten: 20 brigades (These units are designed for airborne and amphibious operations in the rear of the enemy)


battle tanks T-34
Number: 300 pieces

battle tanks T-54 and T-55
Number: 1600 pieces
battle tanks T-62
Number: 1600 pieces

Air Force:
about 86,000 soldiers
fighter jet MIG-21PF, PFM "Fishbed"
Quantity: 190 pieces
fighter jet MIG-23ML "Flogger"
Count: 46 pieces
fighter MIG-19 "Farmer" and Shenyang F- 6
Quantity: 110 pieces
fighter jet MIG-29 "Fulcrum" series 9:13
Count: 35 pieces
other aircraft:
  • fighter Shenyang F-7 (copy of the MIG-21) Count: 130 piece
  • Front Bomber Ilyushin II-28 "Beagle" Quantity: 50 pieces
  • bomber Suchoij Su-7BMK "Fitter" Quantity: 30 pieces
  • attack aircraft Suchoij Su-25K "Frogfoot" Quantity: 35 pieces
The Air Force has 28 airports. Of which have 14 underground caverns (dasmargeau knows each individual airport, with coordinates which in latitude and longitude of the caverns, even that are disguised as motorways)

air defense systems:
rocket launchers SA 3
Number: unknown
rocket launchers SA 13
Number: 2300 Units

Nuclear Weapons:

Taepedong-2 intercontinental ballistic missile
Number: 10

The Taepedong-2 can be a single missile successfully Nuklearsprängköpfen equip (1000kg). North Korea has currently more than 3,000 centrifuges for enriching uranium. Per year 1.5 atomic bombs are produced, since 2006.
two nuclear bombs have been used in tests . 2 more are deposited in the underground cavern Onchon . (Coordinates: 38 ° 54 ' 30 " N, 125 ° 14 ' 0 " O )

This is only part of the information I received from Barack. Those who want to have more, which I can just leave a comment.
Have fun ...