ban the NPD
do not know For all the why, here are some facts:
first The NPD is dangerous.
The NPD has developed in recent years a dangerous focal point of the entire neo-fascism. The NPD's leadership has concluded an operational alliance with violent groups and gained a clear and increasing dominance in the spectrum of neo-fascist parties choice. Such a situation is in the Federal Republic before. As part of the social and political crises, the NPD has a strong negative effect. She is an active and demagogic opponents of any progressive politics. Nothing suggests that the problem would resolve itself.
second Crimes are not welcome, not even politically motivated.
Fascist policy is addition to politically motivated violence. Anyone seeking such calls, or promotes plans, and consequently serious crime. There is no reason to tolerate this any more than in the case of other killers, murderers and their accomplices. The Basic Law does, therefore, no tolerance for discrimination on racial, religious and other grounds of incitement to racial hatred and the preparation and wars of aggression. The Criminal Code also criminalizes and fascist ideology of law.
third The party status is essential for NPD.
The functions of a party may only be exercised by one party. Therefore, it is misleading, of which to speak, the NPD could be easily replaced by "intangible groups." The opposite is the case: based on long established structures, which rehearsed leadership, the imported name, their public relations, the protection of their events, and especially their finances (party assets, property ownership, party publisher, political groups and employees, campaign reimbursement, tax advantages) on the status of a legal party.
4th A ban on the NPD promote the strengthening of democracy.
The NPD is not worth protecting part of democracy in Germany, but a latent and growing threat thereof. The fundamental and civil rights of migrants, Left, and others of the neo-fascist groups as enemies Chosen severely impaired. The legality of the NPD will also continuously to criminalize anti-fascist groups and their actions. A ban on the NPD therefore means more freedom. The promotion of civil society and the repression of Noefaschisten off against each other as at present. often happens, also goes astray. You have to do both.
5th A second attempt to ban procedure is legally possible. The Federal Constitutional Court
paper, Hassemer and Jentsch have previously been, on 01/29/2005 expressly noted that a new closure case is legally possible. Whether the NPD unconstitutional, was not addressed at all 2001-2003, but made a decision process that was directed against the conduct of the applicant. The decisive statement in the order of the Federal Constitutional Court of 18:03:03 designate the condition:
"The observation of a political party by undercover agents of state authority that functions as members of the Federal Bureau or a State Board, immediately before or during the execution of a method for determining the unconstitutionality of the party is generally incompatible with result of requirements of due process, in conjunction with the from Article 21 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 GG the rule of law, Article 20, paragraph 3GG. " This decision
states do not like Schäuble suggested the need for the PC authorities then set so the observation of the NPD as "intelligence agents". According to information obtained for himself as the Lower Saxon VS their information anyway only 20% of "intelligence agents", which in turn is only part of undercover agents. Observations, photos, and not be affected, especially the analysis of open sources, and to demonstrate the unconstitutionality sufficient. A withdrawal or at least off the (paid) undercover agents from the councils of the NPD is already desirable.
6th A social majority to ban the NPD is possible.
The rejection of neo-fascism, and especially the NPD goes far beyond the circle of the political left. There is a wide agreement on banning spontaneous thoughts as bound by religious, trade unionists and many young people. Even the opponents of a ban on the procedure, such as Home Affairs Minister to admit that "the material conditions exist for a party ban.
The action "NPD ban - now" the oldest and largest anti-fascist action VVN-BDA is now over. It signed up 172 016 people, and therefore support the call for a ban on right-wing NPD.
I think there are far too few people who have campaigned for this action. Consider that live in Germany nearly 80 million people. Of these, only slightly fewer than 0.2 percent participated in this campaign! Including many prominent actors and musicians. The campaign ran from 26 January 2007 to 9th November. In this period there have only 0.2 percent of the population gets executed to make a signature for the ban of the NPD. I think this 0.2 percent is not the only people in Germany who are against the NPD. If it were we would have long to live in a National Socialist state.
It can be said now of course that the action was "NPD ban now" not sufficiently publicized, but I think more people hear about this promotion than this silly 170 000 people have signed. Now I am curious why have not signed more people? Cowardice? No. I think many people do not sit or not sufficiently dealt with the topic of fascism. That's bad and I think there must something be done.
All in all I think the campaign was a success. Even though it was only the beginning of efforts to ban the NPD. I'm curious how to respond to the government or the parliament to the letter and the list of signatories of the VNN-BdA is. I am convinced that we still have a long way from the ban of the NPD and other Nazi party, but says the early cradle is done.
In this sense, a warm welcome in this blog.
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