Saturday, December 27, 2008

How To Match Paint To Wall Border Wallpaper

Yet another apocalypse - 12/21/2012

From Nostradamus, Pontifical s and Mayan calendars  by Margeau ☺

End Times, Armageddon, doomsday, God's court, turning point or end of the story. With most interpretations (predictions) on the end of the world all of human history is seen as a disaster story, and drifts a terrible and catastrophic end. Credible? Not really, right?
This "end" I am set apart briefly, and thus serves the purpose of this blog, the search!

apocalyptic horsemen

beginning 1 - physician Nostradamus

Christians! Once they wanted to convert the entire world, but let the world is not it. Previously, the Christians fiercest opponent of the Prophet. All you had to do with fortune telling, was discarded. The fear of the church at that time that her future could be unveiled, was so great that people have been demonized and ultimately vice needs. What you can from an institution Expect that until the 15th Century had thought that the earth is flat? However, however, have also been among the Christian people wrote down their prophecies despite the ban. The most famous example is the doctor and pharmacist Nostradamus. His verses had to write it so that they do not understand the church. Today they are still not understood and there are mystics believe the fact of the verses. This is understandable because the lines up to each reader a very wide latitude for individual interpretation or interpretation. You also meet so often, only the date is correct then not usually. Example, 11 September 2001. The WTC collapses. Nostradamus prophecy , "The two big brothers tear away ..." As I said, you have a large room for interpretation and the date is wrong. Furthermore, however, has pointed to the Nostradamus of the world. The should have taken place after his writings on Aug 11, 1999th But we are still there.

The big brothers and Nostradamus

top 2 - Archbishop Malachy

Among Christians, but there was another prophet. " Malachy of Armagh " than in Ireland as Archbishop of the Catholic Church been made a saint. His prophecies, which he ascribes to the Catholic church does not still hot, "Prophetia de summis pontificibus. He describes the appointment of the 111 popes in his time. The statements in his writings on the given name and arms of the popes is frighteningly accurate! Even time is right. For example, "John Paul II" - De labore solis = From the hardships of the sun. When he was born pope, there was a solar eclipse, when he was buried also took place a solar eclipse!
In his writings is also written that will depend on the 111 pope's hand of God over mankind. It is thus predicted the demise. Whether it is the destruction of the Catholic Church or the whole of humanity, can not be read so clearly. But one thing is clear, even the last prophecy, and 111 arrived. The current Pope Benedict XVI "is the last Catholic religious leaders. After his death, there will be no more popes, so for Malachy!

The "last" Pope - Benedict XVI

start 3 - high culture Maya

have 1519 the Spaniards in the name of the Church the Maya - a civilization in Mexico and Central America - within a few Months destroyed. The progressive Christianization destroyed almost all fonts. Fortunately, there were bishops could save a total of 4 titles to keep them for later generations. Only in 1880 they came out again and science began to look at it. The texts were astronomical predictions, such as lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, the Venus orbit, lunar cycles, etc. We also found out that the Maya possessed a complex understanding of architecture, astronomy and mathematics. Furthermore, it was realized the importance of a calendar.
The Mayan calendar is more accurate than our and surpasses it by far. To explain the difference, would If the Maya people today compare. The perception of time plays an essential role. We feel in the West as a linear time. Everything is impermanent! The Maya, however, see the time in cycles. Everything repeats itself! The logic of this perception is confirmed in nature. Because there are cycles and rhythms of determining. The cycle is therefore of the individual life.
The Mayan calendar consists of 3 sub-calendars that are designed as 3 gears running into each other (see graphic). The innermost calendar affects people and their cycles, pregnancy, fertility, birth to death, feeling, etc. The second relates to the calendar cycle of the earth (similar to ours, is more accurate), orbit the sun, number of days, lunar phases, sowing and harvesting seasons, etc. The external calendar affects the cycle of the planets and galaxies, constellation of the Milky Way, Venus etc.
The outermost cycle is repeated every 5125 years. The Maya knew some much larger cycles, eg cycle of civilization, of which there are only 5. We are currently in the fourth (5 x 5125!).

3 cycles in the Mayan calendar

The Maya have now run this gear. Apparently so let Prophecy "calculate". They have calculated that on December 21 end in 2012 the world as we know it is. Again that is an apocalyptic prediction? Frankly, my smile faded quickly working on further research.

Start 4 - vs. high culture. Postmodernism

On 21/12/2012 found astronomical constellations instead of all 25'700 - 25'800 years if (!). For example, is on that day the sun is precisely positioned in the center of the Milky Way. Add to that another constellation, the more I worried. On this day, the Earth completes a full cone circulation, their precession (spin Santander Circle) around its own axis. This happens all 25'700 - 25'800 years. The precession is the intensity of solar radiation and responsible to a certain extent it has an impact on the ice ages (see Milankovitch cycles ). What will change, then it is not clear. But it is clear that a change is taking place. Today we find it hard to the predictions of a high culture, who believe the art of knowing oneself in the context of time possessed. Civilizations grow and flourish, then decay to. From the ashes of decay grows new order, a new time. Rational
can be accomplished by mathematical formulas create simple; transformation and renewal.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Cost For Angel Bites Angel/spider Bite Piercings?

puts the foot in the boot of fascism

- Italy and Fascism -

In July 2006 the Football World Cup final in France vs. Italy held in Germany. I was sitting with some friends in an Italian / English / Austrian restaurant in Switzerland and pursued the game with great anticipation. Like so many, I too was gripped by football euphoria. Shortly after the opening whistle, the waiter came to take the order. I ordered a pizza with a green salad. Then the waiter asked me whether I would like Italian or French Dressing. Of course I chose the French.

The tension mounts

The game was of millions, if not prosecuted even billions of people. The voltage increased from minute to minute. When, finally, in the 90th was still 1-1, the tension reached its peak in injury time. In the 109th minute but something happened that nobody had expected. The French national player Zenadine Zidane ended his football career with a red card, in which he knocked down the Italian opponent Marco Materazzi with a "head butt". Italy won the world championship.

Zizou sees red

But this victory was the "small-Materazzi-Zidane incident" overshadowed. Not only the FIFA, but some courts wanted to know what the Italians, the French had said that was so freaked out. First it was said that it was about his sister, then to his mother and detractors claimed; Materazzi scoffed at the origin Zizous ... a racist remark?? This "Algerian terrorist with a French passport" Zidan, must also really freak about everything!

FIFA, the largest self-proclaimed, "formal" enemy of racism, denied: "No, no, Materazzi, the Italians, who said anything bad about the origin of Algeria with a French passport. It was about honor and his sister ... "

I still remembered the taste of my pizza, salad with French sauce tasted delicious, but the pizza that tasted different ...

The world champion and the waste pile

The incident was resolved. Both had to pay a few thousand euros and expose about 3 games. Zizou and Materazzi pulled back, took his team to the World Cup with home. Jubilantly received the American team in Rome, Italy. Shortly after, put the euphoria of the proud Italian and Italian women. But the pride himself would not lie down and stayed. Of so much pride forgot the government to transport their waste in Naples right. The brown bunch was bigger and bigger and the media is a stinking pile of garbage found food. The Left Government was not the world champion in waste disposal. So I needed a hero, really eliminates any waste from all over Italy. This is called the "waste-fed with media in Italy.

mountains of waste in Naples

These messages from Naples have amused me over again. I smiled at each report and thought it would smell like, and yes, there really have a problem. But what of this problem, staged or not, really brings, was not the stench. It was something else that I not tasted ...

Decide Berlusconi II

This year, in April 2008, the media mogul, billionaire and owner of AC Milan Silvio Berlusconi has again chosen from the opposition to Prime Minister of Italy. His motto and promise was "security and order." Of course someone is elected, he promises to eliminate the waste from Italy. Italy needed the most. The hero Berlusconi has managed to kept his promise and the waste was disposed of, at least from the media. Now again there is waste rules in Italy.

Rechtspolulist and multi-billionaire Berlusconi

Fascism I

Berlusconi had done it in opposition to clean up standing from the middle to the far right parties . Among them is the Northern League, which spare them immediately. The Berlusconi government was a request from the Lega Nord to be promoted in the "inclusive classes". From the 31 December 2008 will have foreign students in Italy complete entrance test for the "normal" classes. If they do not exist they would have to "inclusive classes" visit. The government justified its action in order to counter the different rates of learning foreign children and the Italian school children. You will have the number of foreign school children, is proportional to the number of Italian children, to avoid form of foreign schools, in which "there for the Italian students are no longer just enough space."

When I read in the paper, I could not believe it. I was shocked! The Italian government will establish a racial law. During the fascist Nazi regime in Europe, there was the even. was determined there were classes for Jewish state, classes and classes for foreigners at the proportional limit for "non-Aryan students. The justification of this educational system: "... So that German schools are not overcrowded. My God, this parallelism ...

pure Italian Class

Fascism reloaded

The theme of the Silvio waste disposal is "safety and order." Civil beautiful words were selected that are well received not only in Italy. 3,000 soldiers were sent this year in the big cities in Italy. The soldiers guarding embassies, railway stations and monuments. Of course they help the police in combating crime. After the massive cost savings in the police forces by Berlusconi, is one such Support also greatly needed. A special training, the soldiers need not, for the use already costs about EUR 62.4 million. Paradox!

When I found out, it was cold shivers down my spine. My God, I thought, I know it already. The creeping militarization of the boot was before millions of eyes of Italians and Italian women, before the eyes of tourists and tourists, in the eyes of the Menschenrechtsbeobachtenden and the world's population. Nobody, but nobody really asked, "Why bother? would it not be more appropriate to educate and train new police forces? "To the answers I had not really long wait. The 3,000 troops now monitor refugee camp and the concentration camps for Roma. Particularly "good soldiers may even find and eliminate illegal Roma camp." For that we have only served in the Iraq war. School? No school will be in Italy on the short route.

3,000 soldiers guarding including Rome

Fascism Revolutions

security and order. Yes, you want the citizens of Italy. But this desire does not waste Berlusconi stands in your way. Not more, the stinking pile is gone now, out of sight out of mind.
It's something different, something funny, with hands and feet - when I write these words hurt my own cynicism - it runs, steals, and smell just does not fit into the clean image of a nation! The Roma! If you want to create security and order, you quickly forget that you're dealing with people.
The Italians and Italian women feel threatened by these people. This becomes clear, since no resistance is offered against the actions of the government. These people who already live in wretched dwellings to be distributed or concentrated in camps. The fingerprints their young children, the most innocent of life of the world are taken and stored. The government says: ". It is a precautionary measure" is
It is believed, therefore, that every newborn child a criminal Roma.

Roma children in the fingerprint submission

shock! Yes, I'm shocked. Rage! Yes, I am angry. Of course, to the Traditional italian population. The racist attacks accumulate more and more. Roma camps are set on fire! People from other countries will be beaten! Dissenters are subsidized! Media will be manipulated! Racial laws were adopted! It is committed to the official racism!
Swiss TV has recognized that "Rough wind for immigrants in Italy". Thus, a short documentary named in the Times. This is not a "harsh wind. This is the calm before the storm. YES! I speak of fascism! Which is not in Italy at the front door, but with one foot in the boot of it.

But there is resistance! How long the hold is still not clear. On the one hand there are the opponents and the other students. Almost daily demonstrations held in Italy in the hushed by the media be. Sometimes but out something else. Recently wanted to turn off the tap when Berlusconi universities, thousands took to the road. They demonstrated against the educational reforms of this government. Unfortunately, the resistance of the population was not supported. There were even attacks on the protesters. With batons and baseball bats was the Neo-Nazi organization "Forza Nuova" go to the students.
shocking is this parallel to the storm-SA-division of the Nazi regime in Germany.

Fascism re-entered?

resistance! That will take Italy. If the not from the inside can be kept, it must be made of except of. When the late right-wing populist Joerg Haider in Austria, marked with his party's shocking victory, Brussels delegates from Austria, sent to more than a year, the government looked at the finger. The reason was that the political development in Austria took forms that existed at the time of the Nazi regime. They wanted to prevent the repetition of history. With success. The bizarre political development in Italy is already several steps further. Fascism has taken root in Italy by foot. And Brussels? Where is Brussels?

of Racism: Rough wind for Immigrants in Italy:


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Can I Use My Biolife Card In An Atm

"Anyone who reads this blog yet?"

So, the question I've been asked öffters: "Are there people who still read this blog?".

YES! There are people doing it! To explain: I do have a Statcounter installed on the blog. This thing is great. It shows me how many people have viewed the blog, where they get the link to the blog, how long they look at the blog, where they come from (yes, even the IP address is displayed). etc. ..

The data are for me alone so interesting. So I will be here shortly, and some transparent list:

visitors since February 2006: 13 008


Visitors November 2008: 581 (!!!)


The following chart shows the countries from which the Last 100 clicks come from:

1st place goes to the so SWITZERLAND (20 clicks), of course, as most visitors know me personally and want to know what I'm writing again for stuff. (Cloedel and Sailer is small thanks) goes

2nd place in the U.S. (16 clicks) ... hmmmmm ... Thanks to this counter, I know that most Americans find on on my blog. You are looking for Cynthia Jane Breakspear. ask for equal Wiki, so on my 2nd blog will appear. Great? :-)

3rd place goes to GERMANY. Look at pictures on google and invite them down. The pictures of Jamaica are the most popular, short for "pyramids in Bosnia." So, if one at " pyramids in Bosnia " or " Heile Selassie " enters and then clicking on pictures, equal to 2 times appears my blog. TOLL! :-)

4th Place goes to UNKNOWN. Also here are pictures on Google of the crucial link.

Last place goes to Mexico. Again, the user has searched from Sonora, Hermosillo to Cynthia Jane Breakspear.

most used Internet browser of visitors to dasmargeau:
Firefox 3.0.4 = 33%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 = 22%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 = 21%
Safari 1.2 (Mac) = 11%
Firefox 2.0.0 = 7%
Opera 9.62 = 2%
Opera 9.51 = 2%
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 for 1%
Google Chrome 0.2 = 1%

probably seems the most popular Firefox browser to ...
Most visitors (38%) of my blog to work with a screen resolution of 1280x1024. Only 3% have a resolution of 800x600.


Unfortunately, there is the Most of the visitors less than 5 seconds on the blog ... There are, well, to write, almost embarrassing to see the 85% short of the blog and get out immediately. :-(
10% but remain between 30 seconds and 5 minutes on the blog. That's something!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crippled Rabbit Clipart


1.Eintrag in October.
Again nothing new in the West, . ääh I mean my in Olten, ääh I mean ... oh I

Friday, October 3, 2008

John Holmes Braun Electric

News, News, News

archaeologists want in Jordan the Church of the seventy disciples of Jesus found . In the cave vault should already have taken place in the years 33-70 Christian services - this would be the church in Jordan, the oldest church in the world .
The cave vault is located in northern Jordan in the town of Rihab. There, under the Church of St. George from the third century, should have been hiding in the opinion of Jordanian researchers supporters of the then young Christianity and secretly practiced their faith. Presumably, the early Christians even lived in the cave - it can at least close the excavation: In addition to the apse of the church and a group of stone benches, a wall was found, the separated the sacred from the living area. A tunnel is said to have led Christians to a source of water.
"We have evidence that this church was used by early Christians as a shelter," said the head of the local antiquities authority, Abdul Kader Hussan, the newspaper "Jordan Times". He believe that it is in the community to the Gospel of Luke in mentioned seventy disciples of Jesus handle.
Rihab The village is located 40 kilometers north of the Jordanian capital Amman. In the place were previously several early Christian churches have been excavated.
More news on the history,

Edgy Fashion Show Invitation Wording

News, News, News

shale stabilized Tower of Pisa. The stabilization of the Leaning Tower of Pisa is unable to position the charge of the project engineers. Recording devices reported no further tilting movement more, the tower has been erected as much as 48 inches again.
was ten years ago the ambitious, begun to receive the world-famous tourist attraction but vital project. More than 70 tons of earth were moved to allow the tower to the north was up again. Previous attempts, the tower with Beige Densities, ropes and other mechanical means to hold back from greater than had largely failed. The slope of about 4.5 degrees could be secured only with difficulty. Now the engineers to assume that the current situation for at least 200 years there remains .
The construction of the bell tower from white Carrara marble was 1173 been started. After the building was already broken on the construction of the bottom floors of the building for about 100 years was interrupted. Then they tried the middle floors of the judges over optical inclination to align their weights increased, but the unbalanced situation. Only in 1372 with the belfry, the final height of 54 meters was reached.
Since then, the tower is in the sandy ground further tilted steadily and in 1990 had the Pisan landmark will be blocked even for visitors. With the new security measures in the hopes you have a literal have found the meaning workable compromise.
more news in the history

Does Not Wear Underpants

Nichtexistens of Germany - Komplot or sad reality?

In the context of a debate that secretly in various forums on the Internet the survival of the "German Reich" as it states is conducted through our editorial office, run searches for a possible documentary on. We are pushed to the members of the public apparently controversial subject not least because of the broadcast on RTL (star tv), at the time chaired by Günter Jauch. Several requests to the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice could, in our view, because we are amateurs in the field of constitutional law yes, but not sufficient response to the werden.Auch statements within the RTL show with Günther Jauch we were not sufficiently informative, so that We are now looking for multiple own research with insufficient result for ways to really get serious information. Before the editors decide to take up this issue during a mission, we want to ask include Professor Kirchhof, as an expert of constitutional law whether he would be willing to meet with us for a briefing on the subject. To the topic and facilitate understanding, here are her defense on the facts that we have encountered in our research.
Declaration on non-existence of the FRG:
On May 23, 1949 the Basic Law of the FRG by publication in the Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1ff enacted. West Germany itself was not founded until Sep 07, 1949th This comment is in the basic law of Dr. jur. Friedrich Giese (published by COMMENTATOR GmbH Frankfurt am Main, 1949):
· p. 5 "This means the constitution and founded the state law takes precedence over all other laws ...".
· p. 6 "So there is not strictly a Federal Republic (Germany), but a West German Federal Republic in Germany."
· p. 3 But the "Council" designation of Parliamentary Council was accurate. It lacked the competence decided, was not entitled to give to the federal Constitution in force, nor the power to make the connect to this fundamental law written into the state of life.
· p.4 The "Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany "is under Article 145 to the end of the day of delivery, so be on May 23, 1949 entered into force by 24 Clock. This requires clarification of constitutional law. The question of whether the entry into force of a constitution before the Inslebentreten of the state is impossible to deny. Positive law of a State may perhaps survive this State, and not precede its development. From Zollrat Karl Wicke in 1954 appeared in the civic education for public and constitutional law on the question and answer library Volume II (Hermes Publisher) written as follows:
p. 9 "What is a State "
" The state is the legal union of man (a citizen) within a certain area (country) under the highest authority (government authority) in a solid legal system (constitution) ".
p. 9 points 4 "What do you mean by the state people?"
"a citizen is the community of people that have the same nationality (the citizen). "
p. 12 pts 22 "What is the territory?"
"In the territory defined as the area that is the space on which the citizen lives permanently, and within which the government activity unfolds. Within the national territory is the rule of God (territorial jurisdiction) of the State. "
p. 14 pts 33" What do you mean by state power? "
" State power is to the State's inherent ability to rule the nation and the territory to exercise. "The knowledge that Mr. Zollrat Karl Wicke 1954 passed has to sign the customs officers are alleged in the undergrowth of the fundamental right of all life and the German State in particular.
conclusion from the previously vorgetragenem:
first It is clear that the constitution one of the Western Allies clearly dependent occupation status (approval letter from the Allied point 9) is (see also: -. Frankfurt Documents Jun 01, 1948 - letter approving the Basic Law of the Allied High Commission for Germany on May 12, 1949) The establishment of the FRG could not statehood be, but at the foundation of a crew of legal means to self-management of the three zones occupied by the Western Allies as per Art.43 Hague Regulations of 1907 RGBl. v. 1910 p. 147 The foundations of a state-building were also not before the following reasons: In the orientation of the sentence BVGU 2BvF1/73 clearly states that the German Reich exist legally. There can be no two states to one state, due, therefore, as explained in the above ruling, the German Reich, priority .* The BRD was never a citizen. The nationality is still that of the German Reich. (See Reich and Staatsangehörigkeitsgeset z of 22 July 1913 issued on July 31, 1913 last edited on Aug 21, 2002, T. 2002 BGBl I, p. 3322) .* A State has the power BRD never owned. The lack of state authority of the Federal Republic of Germany is above under the Basic Law has already been made clear and is still in effect, occupation status confirmed by the 10th April 1949 by the three Western Allied powers. It states clearly and unequivocally in Article IV:
"The German Federal Government and the Government the countries will be empowered to arrange for proper notification of the occupation authorities to set aside on these authorities areas legislation and to take action, except that the occupation authorities may order something else special. "In Article V, it is" Any amendment to the Constitution requires before entry into force of the express authorization of the occupation authorities. "
This should prove that the FRG was not a state from the beginning, but an occupation law means to self-government of an occupied territory. This means self-government now has on Jun 17, 1990 get the Article 23 of the Basic Law was deleted and thus perished with effect from 18 June 1990 unable to act, because if there is no scope for a fundamental law, it can (GG) are nowhere. Now, however, are important international legal protocols for 30 years under lock and you could not prove this fact. It is a reference to the ruling of the Social Court in Berlin on the negation of action (case no Kr433/93 S 72) from May 19 1992nd In this was found "that can not be to join something that was already resolved on 17 June 1990." Alternatively, in order to prove otherwise, that the FRG has never been a legal possibility was spreading to medium-German territory, is appropriate here, the Unification Treaty of 31 August 1990 ordering the removal of Article 23 of the Basic Law in Article 2. By the entry into force of the Unification Treaty by the publication of the Law on the Unification Treaty in BGBl II 1990 S.885 on Sep 23, 1990 (as of Aug 31, 1990 between the FRG and the GDR on the production of the unit or with the notice of 16 October 1990 Gazette II on Sep 29, 1990), the GDR was on Oct 03, 1990 impossible to accede on the basis of the repealed Constitution Article 23. So have since Jun 18, 1990 at the latest since September 29, 1990 BRD no more scope and would therefore no basis for its continued existence and certainly not the possibility to extend it to the East German territory (the former East German / Russian occupation zone).
this the evidence :
in case 2BvF 1 / 73 grounds under B. III. Section 1
"With the establishment of the Federal Republic is not a new West German state was founded, but a part of Germany was reorganized."
"The FRG is not legal successor of the German Reich."
"They (the FRG) is limited constitutionally its sovereignty to the scope of the Basic Law."

"Currently, the Federal Republic from the Article 23 of the Basic Law mentioned countries. is" In the Unification Treaty, as listed above in Article 2 states that Article 23 of the Basic Law is repealed.
This is done with effect from September 23, 1990, see Gazette 1990 Part II p. 885 ff and ff This page could also join the alternative Seen in the GDR no longer on Oct 03, 1990 the Basic Law, because this at least since the Sep 29, 1990 no longer existed. It is however maintained that Article 23 of the Basic Law since the 18th of June 1990 - 0.00 clock was no longer available, see above sentence Az S 71 Kr 433/93. The Treaty on Final Settlement with Respect to Germany from September 12, 1990 (Federal Law Gazette 1990 Part II p. 1318 ff, Issue 13 October 1990) it is in Article 1, Section 1
"A united Germany, the areas of Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and include the whole of Berlin. "This agreement is still not ratified because only a united Germany would have this can be made. Germany is not the West or East Germany. Germany is according to military law 52 of the Allied Control Council (formerly SHAEF Act No. 52) Article 7, paragraph e) "Germany" means the territory of the German Empire as it existed on December 31, 1937th
In agreement to settle certain questions relating to Berlin from September 25, 1990, Federal Law Gazette II 1990 P. 1274 ff, issued on 02 October 1990, stated:
Foreword Section 6 2
- Considering that it is necessary for this to settle in specific areas relevant regulations, which the German sovereignty in relation to Berlin not touch. Article 2 All the rights and obligations that have been through legislative, judicial or administrative action by the Allied authorities based in or with reference to London or on the basis of such measures or found to remain in all respects in accordance with German law in force, regardless whether they were justified in accordance with other legislation or established. These rights and obligations without discrimination on the same subject to future legislative, judicial and administrative measures as similar grounds under German law or established rights and obligations.
Article 4:
All judgments and decisions undVerantwortlichkeiten one by the Allied authorities, or by one of them used the courts or judicial body prior failure to work for the rights of the Four Powers or with respect have been adopted in Berlin, remain be governed by German law in force and valid and are treated by the German courts and authorities such as judgments and decisions by German courts and authorities.

It can not be said clearly, that Germany is not sovereign. Germany can not be sovereign because the German Reich but as shown above, has a nation and a territory, but the state power in the absence of a peace agreement is still under occupation by violence. Since there since November 2003, a National Legislative Assembly in the German Reich on the basis of the Constitution the Weimar Republic from August 11, 1919 and is since May 23, 2004, a parliament in Saxony on the basis of the state constitution from Nov 01, 1920, the German Reich is legally able to act again.

What Does Raw Cervix Mean?

Babylon Babylon Part 1 Part2

I have now decided my first blog post published. That what I'll would like to educate and inform and is now Babylon . As you might know in the Bible too much (bad) about it, like it was a hotbed of prostitution, slavery of sin and the Babylonians had been hostile to religion. Wonder what this lot is: "If all these accusations the Bible right?" And here comes the answer:

Before the great Babylonian empire (. 1750-600 BC) was, it was only a harmless town. In time, gained this power and Reputation and developed into a city state. The language of the people, the Akkadian similar to the Arabic and Hebrew, as written, they preferred the "cuneiform" . With the takeover of the city by the King Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It became in time a unique and powerful position in Mesopotamia. Hammurabi is known to us mainly through the "Codex Hammurabi" (Coll) . Only gradually took him by Babylon in the history of Mesopotamia an important role. Recent evidence indicates that is now known that this empire and particularly its capital, a place of science and the research was and saw that this place several times a cultural flowering. This high culture could only result from three conditions: first There was a Codex (Coll), the covering all areas of life. Thus could reign in the country right. second The country was on the Euphrates and the Tigris, so it was a lifeline similar to the Nile in Egypt. And third The country attracted many scholars and scientists as a magnet, making the country in addition to knowledge sammelte.Belege for the high scientific development are unique mastery of buildings such as the world wonders: "The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis " , or " Tower of Babel " . The latter should be this tower, according to legend, created by King Nimrod and is expected to heaven geragt. This " Baueifer " wanted the Babylonians piety towards your gods to express. There is evidence for this construction but it was found that in Babylon was one of the tallest buildings. And so you can see that in also found in a grain of truth to this legend. Also housed the city a unique main entrance, and Although the famous "Ishtar Gate . The remarkable thing was that it consists entirely of blue bricks, because at that time could not produce blue color so easily, so it was magnificent. It still has not figured out from what is the color that archaeologists can only guess. Today, the almost perfectly preserved, huge and original Ishtar Gate in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin . While Babylon expanded in these nearly four centuries, and gained power (1750-1400 BC. = At the time, was also one of the oldest literary masterpieces humanity The Gilgamesh epic ) comes a very sudden and unexpected blow from the neighboring country in Anatolia, the Hittites. The pressure of the Hittites and their ruler, King Mursili breaks down Babylon. But after that should arise, however, two other Babylonian empire, which is why the Empire in the first period until the collapse of the Hittites also called "Old Babylonian empire " (1750-140 BC). Called. Nts this decay had to lose almost all your power Babylon and share power with the other major powers in Mesopotamia, Assyria, the Hittites and the Egyptians , almost 400 years. In these 4 centuries dwelt the "Babylonian Kassitenreich "then under foreign rule. Since taking office Nabopolassar's (625 BC). But luck is on their side again. Nunbeginnen again the campaigns and the culture of power, the research and knowledge begins to bloom again. In this phase of its history was the "Babylonian Empire . The man who has contributed most to the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar II, was sent under him one of the Seven Wonders of the World: "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon" also was around this time, according to the Bible, the "Great captivity. stattgefunden.Der Bible was for the people of Israel (Jews) After the conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians captured, enslaved, and slaves to the capital (Babylon) to be related to perform work there. About 150 years after Nebuchadnezzar's death, the city of Babylon was conquered by the Persians. But this was more positive than negative consequences, because after the incorporation into the Persian Empire took the city on a wave of scholars from all over the Orient and which provided at Babylon for one last golden age in science and culture. Later, the rest of the empire was finally conquered by Alexander the Great and destroyed seriously. Alexander named the city of Babylon, even as the seat of his empire. Furthermore, did this powerful man in Babylon, his last breath. Thus inherited the Greeks with this conquest a large part of the knowledge of the Babylonians.
Now comes the education of the Week:
Let us turn to the question posed at the beginning: "If all these allegations the Bible entitled" The question you can now also own answer - a very clear NO! But now you could throw all these findings say about the entire thing and " meadow, the Babylonians, although it claims were culturally sophisticated, a great crime began and dragged the Jews into captivity? "And the answer is: It has been found by inscriptions on clay tablets of the time that the vast prison is no real "prisoner" was, for these Jews were not enslaved, (one doubts even that it ever slaves in Babylon were, for one found no evidence) but they were the "enrichment" of the capital deported. Thus, the Babylonians additional knowledge of other nations as their own. So the resettlement of the Israelites was purely political in the sense necessary, and thus the legend of the great captivity of the Jews only dropped a pack of lies! There is also evidence that many of the Jews in Babylon represents high office.
summary one can say that Babylon was very important because the Greeks called Mesopotamia Babylon then certainly not in vain.

Now I hope that you know everything you wanted to know and / or that their enlightened wurdet.
As for the next issue, I can only say that it is about Germany. So much fun to the next topic!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Insert A Jpeg Into Autocad Mac

Here I have for all visitors and visitors of my blog, a sneak preview of the upcoming first post on Babylon :
Here is one of the seven Wonders (left) and another foolhardy building of this nation (right):

first The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: second The Tower of Babel:


And here I have two more things: first
The location of the capital Babylon: second The famous Ishtar Gate (entrance of the city):

PS The Ishtar Gate was once the main entrance to prunktreichen capital of the empire. Today's Sandorf is Pergamon Museum in Berlin .


And at last I have for you a wonderful film about the ancient empire of you who Beauty and leads pomp Babylon mind
(Please take the movie a little time) :

Give Blood For Money Florida

Welcome Dear visitors

On this page, a new blog of the target has
you explain in history.
That you can expect:
I will be here regularly bring out an issue which has to do with history and this will highlight all aspects of the issue and bring to light. So you can make any idea what in the world outside went off in reality. For example What were the letters of indulgence in reality? What was the real target of Napoleon with the acquisition of France? Did the Roman Empire something to do with the Germans, and if so, then how far? Why Hitler spread hatred against the Jews? ...
etc. All these questions have an answer and I will explain all these things and more! One thing I can tell you now already: Everything had a political backgrounds!
short will be available soon created a new blog, I hope it
will like them! It is planned in September 2008 as the date for the publication of the first subject. (I hope you can wait until then)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rocket Landing In Ocean


I could also vlogger ... but then it would look something like this, as in the here:

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ranch King/snowblower

anything new?

Yes I know there was a long time nothing new. Since April, some things happen you could write about. Once something was there, I took it from me to write down. But when I finally sat in front of the computer, I had forgotten just tired, habs, or it was not easy.

One can infer this behavior on many factors: first

The first reason is the same, the most famous and for other people in the fastest and easiest to understand: I am simply too lazy!

second The second reason is more or less an easy excuse. It is also used frequently by other bloggers: I do not have time.

third The third reason is probably more a result of the first Reasoning in which one atribuiert external, ie it does not search the grounds with him, but in his environment. In my case, it would mean: ähhh the themes are not so interesting anyway .

4th The fourth reason is my favorite reason. Blogging is a kind of an experiment in which you want to be need to realize their hidden, in which one public communicates. One would like to express his opinion through this tool to show realized. Predominates but another tool that blog here, to satisfy my needs, it loses its importance and interest on my part. Bedürnisse or are breast-fed, according to the. (To be noted is that I still write these lines, where one can infer that my needs are satisfied but not quite)

Well, whatever. There are four grounds on which you can hearty debates. What can really be the case, that adds up these 4 reasons are, or appear in succession. etc. etc. etc. -> (you see, this all starts with a debate)
Since I want to do something about it, this blog will be under the motto "FIGHT FOR BLOGGING VS. MY SELF!" continued. I'm my worst enemy, now has someone at some point once said ...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mac Pokemon Gold Emulator


God, man, nature, war and money ... Zeitgeist is a documentary about all the issues which we move people. Peter Joseph has managed to produce a movie that stimulates the rethinking. Compelling way to reach the human phenomenon better. The faith of the Egyptians about Jesus Christ, the first and second world war, on the 11th September until the near future, a something-other-presented truth ...

Since June 2007 you can the movie anywhere on the Internet free-for-view. I recommend everyone back for 2 hours to sit and watch the movie ....

Here are the links to the film;

ENGLISH (original)

ENGLISH (with subtitles) <-- empfohlen


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Calories In Chicken Chowmein

Hugo Chavez flies

loved by the poor hated the rich. My image of the Impos most distinctive performers of the play world politics.

"We urge you to think first before you act. You can not fight terror with terror." said the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez , shortly after the U.S. and its allies invaded Afghanistan.
1998 Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías of a national majority (56%) elected democratically and 1999 finally declared the head of state of Venezuela. His voters are the destitute of Venezuela the 80% of the population . Make
During his tenure, which continues still, saw President Chavez some turbulence. 2002 was the 4 Venezuela's largest oil exporter in the world . Oil is the main food of the United States and its allies. Therefore, there is interest from the U.S. and its agents in a "democratic" (according to GW Bush, newly defined term) Venezuela. But if a president wants to minimize the gap between rich and poor and the cruel project NEO - opposes liberalism , the in White House not like to hear or see. Before Chavez included the oil fields of the rich.
This would collect the people of Venezuela by the privatized oil giant cake something has Chavez dared the Americans to the teeth. He nationalized the oil fields as the conveyor belts and trade. This was a declaration of war on Uncle Sam . The NEO - libertarian were not enthusiastic about it. It rained criticism of Chavez from all sides.
Chavez is freedom important. However, this was it 2002, just after the nationalization of Oil, to destiny. The there was only one public broadcaster, the channel 8 The remaining stations Venezuela were and are privatized. His downfall was that the rich television was threatened their wealth and also upgraded to the "dirty war", supported by the United States. Private TV stations, including RCTV, Venevision and the former still clinging to the old political system. Carlos Ortega (former chief of CTV ) and Pedro Carmona (former President of economic organization in Venezuela) played a key role in the opposition, which was the minority (20% of the upper layer of the People).
The theater was opened. U.S. accused Chavez before working with drug terrorists together. The private channels equated him with Hitler and his followers and Mussolini . then they claimed he was a spy of Fidel Castro and the FARC from Colombia. "The Chavezanhänger are becoming more aggressive" was proclaimed in the media. Demonstrations against Chavez organized by the opposition leadership and the private television station. Americans continue to complain, "President Chavez U.S. interests are not particularly close to my heart." The private channel RCTV called even several times to overthrow the government and the shooting of Chavez on. etc.

Chavez ; "If that was an exaggeration on my part, well, that I accept and can even offer my apology. But who inflicts more damage? [...] The President of the United States bombed the peoples, nations, comes over - she massacred as really the people of Iraq. And what I'm trying is to draw his attention to the reality of the world, as I sometimes use pretty strong words. "

attempted a coup with the opposition under Pedro Carmona to overthrow the legally elected democratic government. After the end of a bloody demonstration with 10 dead and over 100 injured she managed that, too. The riots occurred when the opposition leadership has decided to change the demo route to march to the Presidential Palace, where thousands Chavezanhänger counsel their president. Shortly before the crowds were clashed shots. No one knew who fired. Panic was spreading. In Venezuela, a third of a weapon, that was shot back, no matter where. These manipulated Images could tear the opposition some generals on their side. Hugo Chavez was arrested shortly afterwards in the palace, but from his office he had not relieve himself. He had to pay voluntarily to avoid a bloodbath in the palace. Channel 8 was sabotaged and then off. Within 24 hours of Venezuela had a new president and a new-old government. Carmona was the new president, who allegedly lobbied for justice, equality and solidarity. His justice was felt immediately. There were no Chavezanhänger be shown more on television. Censorship dominated. But the transitional government the bill has made the wrong one. Chavez took lessons the destitute to read. On the streets people had to read the Constitution of the country. When he was arrested, knew his voters, that the only way to force him from office is a referendum. It says so in the Constitution.

Each therefore knew that the coup was unconstitutional. Then the people took to the streets and wanted to back their president. Millions of people waited outside the presidential palace on Chavez. The military split. The democratically elected legally Government came to power. Carmona fled to Colombia and today he lives in Miami with Uncle Sam . The private channel RCTV was closed last year, claiming that RCTV has played an essential role in the coup attempt and continuously spread lies.
"Those of you who are against m I'm from the mine. I wish I could change his mind you. But you can not oppose the constitution. This is the book of the people." Chavez said after the coup attempt.

- In the last 4 years GDP in Venezuela from 132.8 billion increased to 186.3 billion.
Statistics - Unemployment of 17% reduced to 8.6%. Statistics

literature links;
film about Chavez
Palatinate House policy
My party book

Friday, January 25, 2008

Why Caffiene Bothers Fiberous Breast


This little backwater, the environmental interpretation of Margeau as the personality characteristics mitgestalltet. Thx for the flight to tha_raas

Is Citrine Worth Anything

scandal, Superman, the illegal immigrants

Margeau reveals. This is not an invented story. It's the truth. A scandal. On the planet Krypton

outside a planetary scientist has discovered that explode their sun. Without first to apply for asylum on the ground, he put his 3-year-old son in a rocket and sent him to the ground. The people possessed at that time did not have the same technology as the Kryptonian and could therefore not notice the illegal entry. The spacecraft of illegal immigrants landed near Smallville, Kansas, USA. There, the outer planet by a police Aryans known pair of tractor Janathan and Martha K. * found. Instead of leaving the migrants to the authorities, the couple abused the immigrants for years. Through their criminal managed to come close both knew how to obtain forged documents, papers and statements. The illegal immigrants lived and worked on the farm of the tractor pair unnoticed for years under the false name, Clark K. *

Clark K. * (below) also known as Superman (above)

now works the then-illegal immigrant K. Clark * at a prestigious magazine in Metropolis, USA. He has a steady income and earned worldwide fame alias Superman. But some questions remain open, is the planet Krypton explodes really? If so, why then has his father sought political asylum? Was the only time Superman illegal immigrants or are there more? Questions, questions and the answers known only to members of criminal gangs such as Jonathan and Martha K.

* * the name of the editor is known.