From Nostradamus, Pontifical s and Mayan calendars by Margeau ☺
End Times, Armageddon, doomsday, God's court, turning point or end of the story. With most interpretations (predictions) on the end of the world all of human history is seen as a disaster story, and drifts a terrible and catastrophic end. Credible? Not really, right?
This "end" I am set apart briefly, and thus serves the purpose of this blog, the search!
apocalyptic horsemen
beginning 1 - physician Nostradamus
Christians! Once they wanted to convert the entire world, but let the world is not it. Previously, the Christians fiercest opponent of the Prophet. All you had to do with fortune telling, was discarded. The fear of the church at that time that her future could be unveiled, was so great that people have been demonized and ultimately vice needs. What you can from an institution Expect that until the 15th Century had thought that the earth is flat? However, however, have also been among the Christian people wrote down their prophecies despite the ban. The most famous example is the doctor and pharmacist Nostradamus. His verses had to write it so that they do not understand the church. Today they are still not understood and there are mystics believe the fact of the verses. This is understandable because the lines up to each reader a very wide latitude for individual interpretation or interpretation. You also meet so often, only the date is correct then not usually. Example, 11 September 2001. The WTC collapses. Nostradamus prophecy , "The two big brothers tear away ..." As I said, you have a large room for interpretation and the date is wrong. Furthermore, however, has pointed to the Nostradamus of the world. The should have taken place after his writings on Aug 11, 1999th But we are still there.
The big brothers and Nostradamus
top 2 - Archbishop Malachy
Among Christians, but there was another prophet. " Malachy of Armagh " than in Ireland as Archbishop of the Catholic Church been made a saint. His prophecies, which he ascribes to the Catholic church does not still hot, "Prophetia de summis pontificibus. He describes the appointment of the 111 popes in his time. The statements in his writings on the given name and arms of the popes is frighteningly accurate! Even time is right. For example, "John Paul II" - De labore solis = From the hardships of the sun. When he was born pope, there was a solar eclipse, when he was buried also took place a solar eclipse!
In his writings is also written that will depend on the 111 pope's hand of God over mankind. It is thus predicted the demise. Whether it is the destruction of the Catholic Church or the whole of humanity, can not be read so clearly. But one thing is clear, even the last prophecy, and 111 arrived. The current Pope Benedict XVI "is the last Catholic religious leaders. After his death, there will be no more popes, so for Malachy!
The "last" Pope - Benedict XVI
start 3 - high culture Maya
have 1519 the Spaniards in the name of the Church the Maya - a civilization in Mexico and Central America - within a few Months destroyed. The progressive Christianization destroyed almost all fonts. Fortunately, there were bishops could save a total of 4 titles to keep them for later generations. Only in 1880 they came out again and science began to look at it. The texts were astronomical predictions, such as lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, the Venus orbit, lunar cycles, etc. We also found out that the Maya possessed a complex understanding of architecture, astronomy and mathematics. Furthermore, it was realized the importance of a calendar.
The Mayan calendar is more accurate than our and surpasses it by far. To explain the difference, would If the Maya people today compare. The perception of time plays an essential role. We feel in the West as a linear time. Everything is impermanent! The Maya, however, see the time in cycles. Everything repeats itself! The logic of this perception is confirmed in nature. Because there are cycles and rhythms of determining. The cycle is therefore of the individual life.
The Mayan calendar consists of 3 sub-calendars that are designed as 3 gears running into each other (see graphic). The innermost calendar affects people and their cycles, pregnancy, fertility, birth to death, feeling, etc. The second relates to the calendar cycle of the earth (similar to ours, is more accurate), orbit the sun, number of days, lunar phases, sowing and harvesting seasons, etc. The external calendar affects the cycle of the planets and galaxies, constellation of the Milky Way, Venus etc.
The outermost cycle is repeated every 5125 years. The Maya knew some much larger cycles, eg cycle of civilization, of which there are only 5. We are currently in the fourth (5 x 5125!).
3 cycles in the Mayan calendar
The Maya have now run this gear. Apparently so let Prophecy "calculate". They have calculated that on December 21 end in 2012 the world as we know it is. Again that is an apocalyptic prediction? Frankly, my smile faded quickly working on further research.
Start 4 - vs. high culture. Postmodernism
On 21/12/2012 found astronomical constellations instead of all 25'700 - 25'800 years if (!). For example, is on that day the sun is precisely positioned in the center of the Milky Way. Add to that another constellation, the more I worried. On this day, the Earth completes a full cone circulation, their precession (spin Santander Circle) around its own axis. This happens all 25'700 - 25'800 years. The precession is the intensity of solar radiation and responsible to a certain extent it has an impact on the ice ages (see Milankovitch cycles ). What will change, then it is not clear. But it is clear that a change is taking place. Today we find it hard to the predictions of a high culture, who believe the art of knowing oneself in the context of time possessed. Civilizations grow and flourish, then decay to. From the ashes of decay grows new order, a new time. Rational
can be accomplished by mathematical formulas create simple; transformation and renewal.