Friday, October 3, 2008

What Does Raw Cervix Mean?

Babylon Babylon Part 1 Part2

I have now decided my first blog post published. That what I'll would like to educate and inform and is now Babylon . As you might know in the Bible too much (bad) about it, like it was a hotbed of prostitution, slavery of sin and the Babylonians had been hostile to religion. Wonder what this lot is: "If all these accusations the Bible right?" And here comes the answer:

Before the great Babylonian empire (. 1750-600 BC) was, it was only a harmless town. In time, gained this power and Reputation and developed into a city state. The language of the people, the Akkadian similar to the Arabic and Hebrew, as written, they preferred the "cuneiform" . With the takeover of the city by the King Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It became in time a unique and powerful position in Mesopotamia. Hammurabi is known to us mainly through the "Codex Hammurabi" (Coll) . Only gradually took him by Babylon in the history of Mesopotamia an important role. Recent evidence indicates that is now known that this empire and particularly its capital, a place of science and the research was and saw that this place several times a cultural flowering. This high culture could only result from three conditions: first There was a Codex (Coll), the covering all areas of life. Thus could reign in the country right. second The country was on the Euphrates and the Tigris, so it was a lifeline similar to the Nile in Egypt. And third The country attracted many scholars and scientists as a magnet, making the country in addition to knowledge sammelte.Belege for the high scientific development are unique mastery of buildings such as the world wonders: "The Hanging Gardens of Semiramis " , or " Tower of Babel " . The latter should be this tower, according to legend, created by King Nimrod and is expected to heaven geragt. This " Baueifer " wanted the Babylonians piety towards your gods to express. There is evidence for this construction but it was found that in Babylon was one of the tallest buildings. And so you can see that in also found in a grain of truth to this legend. Also housed the city a unique main entrance, and Although the famous "Ishtar Gate . The remarkable thing was that it consists entirely of blue bricks, because at that time could not produce blue color so easily, so it was magnificent. It still has not figured out from what is the color that archaeologists can only guess. Today, the almost perfectly preserved, huge and original Ishtar Gate in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin . While Babylon expanded in these nearly four centuries, and gained power (1750-1400 BC. = At the time, was also one of the oldest literary masterpieces humanity The Gilgamesh epic ) comes a very sudden and unexpected blow from the neighboring country in Anatolia, the Hittites. The pressure of the Hittites and their ruler, King Mursili breaks down Babylon. But after that should arise, however, two other Babylonian empire, which is why the Empire in the first period until the collapse of the Hittites also called "Old Babylonian empire " (1750-140 BC). Called. Nts this decay had to lose almost all your power Babylon and share power with the other major powers in Mesopotamia, Assyria, the Hittites and the Egyptians , almost 400 years. In these 4 centuries dwelt the "Babylonian Kassitenreich "then under foreign rule. Since taking office Nabopolassar's (625 BC). But luck is on their side again. Nunbeginnen again the campaigns and the culture of power, the research and knowledge begins to bloom again. In this phase of its history was the "Babylonian Empire . The man who has contributed most to the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar II, was sent under him one of the Seven Wonders of the World: "The Hanging Gardens of Babylon" also was around this time, according to the Bible, the "Great captivity. stattgefunden.Der Bible was for the people of Israel (Jews) After the conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians captured, enslaved, and slaves to the capital (Babylon) to be related to perform work there. About 150 years after Nebuchadnezzar's death, the city of Babylon was conquered by the Persians. But this was more positive than negative consequences, because after the incorporation into the Persian Empire took the city on a wave of scholars from all over the Orient and which provided at Babylon for one last golden age in science and culture. Later, the rest of the empire was finally conquered by Alexander the Great and destroyed seriously. Alexander named the city of Babylon, even as the seat of his empire. Furthermore, did this powerful man in Babylon, his last breath. Thus inherited the Greeks with this conquest a large part of the knowledge of the Babylonians.
Now comes the education of the Week:
Let us turn to the question posed at the beginning: "If all these allegations the Bible entitled" The question you can now also own answer - a very clear NO! But now you could throw all these findings say about the entire thing and " meadow, the Babylonians, although it claims were culturally sophisticated, a great crime began and dragged the Jews into captivity? "And the answer is: It has been found by inscriptions on clay tablets of the time that the vast prison is no real "prisoner" was, for these Jews were not enslaved, (one doubts even that it ever slaves in Babylon were, for one found no evidence) but they were the "enrichment" of the capital deported. Thus, the Babylonians additional knowledge of other nations as their own. So the resettlement of the Israelites was purely political in the sense necessary, and thus the legend of the great captivity of the Jews only dropped a pack of lies! There is also evidence that many of the Jews in Babylon represents high office.
summary one can say that Babylon was very important because the Greeks called Mesopotamia Babylon then certainly not in vain.

Now I hope that you know everything you wanted to know and / or that their enlightened wurdet.
As for the next issue, I can only say that it is about Germany. So much fun to the next topic!


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