Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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first full Milky Way (!) - Map

Bravo! Scientists from the University of Zurich has managed to create the first complete map of "our" Milky Way. Since the Milky Way like a flat plate rotated (after all, a rate of about 1 million km / h), the card is shown from the air. So if someone in the near future before our galaxy has to investigate or to even leave, or would like to visit another solar system, he can be found using the card rather simply the Earth. That's another great message ...
I wonder how long it will take for Google to buy the card? Instead of "Google Earth" it is called simply "Google Milkyway," or "Google Galaxy". Well, long live science.

(first complete map of the Milky Way! Here is where the yellow spot is the sun. On the red spiral arms are more suns. The blue, gas stains)

Who still more interested in the link here if you please; PRO-PHYSICS!


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