Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lower Rear Left Quadrant Abdomin Pain

The success of Broder and Sarrazin: As a woman denounced Gehring Yasin Celik ...

dangerous as religious education is in school, shows us the integrated comprehensive school Garbsen (Garbsen IGS) at Hanover: The Aryan religion teacher Mrs Heidi Gehring her Turkish-born students Yasin Celik denounced after he had to write an essay on her, which did not please her.
The teacher Mrs Low for the IGS Garbsen - a threat to non-Aryan students.
The teacher, who wished to remain anonymous and their former students blackens in exactly this way, the police did not fit the diametrically opposite view of Celik So they informed the state protection in the dark. Apparently it suited Mrs. Gehring not that Yasin Celik their teacher, the Swiss theologian Hans Küng, disagreed in his essay.

is known, it tolerates the German does not, if you do not share his views on human lord. And that he likes denounced. principal Günther Herweg is certainly proud of his teacher.


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