Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gall Bladder Itchy Abdomen

Buckingham & Milady

"Kirkegaard told the story of a fire that broke out backstage at a circus and threatened to engulf the entire tent. To forestall panic, the manager sent out a clown to alert the audience to the danger and urge them to leave instantly. But they thought the clown’s increasingly frantic urgings were just his act—part of the show. They laughed, stayed put, and perished".
(Jerome Donovan, From chapter “Reunion in The Gambia)

"with" Buckingham & My Lady " , founded by Corso Cullin and Oystein Huss they were at an early age by the infamous live shows spearhead of art rock. Influenced by the aesthetics of the "Cinema of Transgression" they offer the public concerts that you have to enter the area of performance or better to count the Body Art. Their entire discography, which has a total of 8 studio albums, and as many solo albums, can be understood as a work of art. With the fusion of music, literature and body type they are trying at their concerts to the audience the feeling of self-dissolution, to infiltrate the total liberation. As they say, it was the Publik right the first time happened at a gig in Istanbul, at the time when they discovered the repetitive music for themselves. Repetitive music can put an individual in trance-like states, as they are settled Repetition of their internal and external structure is based, in which the truth of things revealed and manifested. The literature does not interest them as an aesthetic means, but as a matter of fact, they did not operate at the level of fiction, but realities create. Read or hear about some text, you will notice that their literature, the presence of the body truly unforgettable, and bring the connection to the spiritual ideas of the immediate reactions of the same words can.

"Since its inception they have worked with many famous musicians and artists all over the world, and I am of the opinion Buckingham & Milady have been done more for the avant-garde as Mother Teresa for the poor. And prophesy that Buckingham & Milady in the future to refer to the epoch of the early 21st Century "is used.

Jeffrey Weames (journalist and lead singer of The Millers)

All rights for images, audio, and text by Jens Moiré. Use and reproduction only with permission of the author


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