... the first part of the "ego " film series.
"I'm tired, tired of life as they live, and how I was doing well for the most part until now, although my heart, my mind and my soul is always at the same time lived in other non-earthly spheres ... I am deeply ashamed for my countless failures of self-responsibility. Everyone has the duty to seek his ego, and that as far as possible to exploit!
-The time of great upheaval has come: time to wipe his old, transparent self, kill, and so is häutend and transformative, to accept his true self.
-I am on my way there record in writing must. "
This prologue of the short film " The Awakening " (established 2003) is an excerpt from the still emerging in the novel by J. moiré. The film documents the early attempt at self-annihilation of the protagonist, this looks to gain by his real self. The repetitive sounds in the word fore, as a musical Visual Key to Understanding serve as a framework of external action, the inner is held by the pictures.
This resulted in the cycle still standing for themselves first part, again a cycle in itself, in the middle of which is we have known old ego of the protagonist.
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